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standing on the corner in winslow arizona

Route 66 Backwards, Part 1… Arizona?

We wanted to start our Route 66 trip in California, but life had other plans. So, we kicked off in Arizona and saved CA for ...
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Shoe fit test

30+ Unusual Travel Hacks: Insider Tips for Smarter Adventures

The ever-evolving list of my best travel tips and tricks to make your trips even better
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Yellowstone vs. Yosemite: Which Park is Right for You?

Geysers or granite? Bison or butterflies? Let’s compare scenery, hikes, and wildlife to help you pick the perfect national park for your next outdoor adventure! ...
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pears on a dashboard

10,000 Miles and Still Married: Our Ultimate Road Trip Survival Guide

Cram two opinionated people on tight budget into a small car for a two-month road trip. What could possibly go wrong?  This plan could have ...
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Free Car Camping in the US Rest Areas

An honest, personal experience of sleeping at highway rest areas during our 10,000-mile road trip across 18 US states
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Izamal street

Mexico’s Yellow Town: Izamal, the Pueblo Magico

How one Mexican town got a sunny makeover and joined the ranks of Pueblos Magicos
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Ruta Puuc – Chasing the Ghosts of Ancient Maya in Yucatan

The Rain God and the Dwarf - forget Cancun, Ruta Puuc is where the real adventure lies
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Merida, mexico, street

Renting a Car in Merida, Mexico: Find a Local Gem

How we got fed up with Mexico car rental horror stories, found a local company and enjoyed smooth sailing around Yucatan
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Recent Trips

Sawtooth National Forest, ID, USA
Yellowstone NP, USA
Rt 66 LA to Chicago, USA
Merida, Mexico

I'm Mags

a pragmatic dreamer and happiness seeker with a bad case of the travel bug.
Hop in and join me on this road to who knows where.

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